Wednesday, January 22, 2014


2013 – terrific and terrible.

The year I lost one of my best friends.
The year I started writing again.
The year I left a small town behind.
The year I went back to Thailand.
The year I started my PhD.
The year my grandma stopped to breathe.

2014 – a mystery.

Blank pages in the journal of me.
So many dreams yearning to be set free.
The painter, the poet.
I am so afraid to show it.
The dancer, the healer.
The undefined over-feeler.
Will I find a direction
or will a direction find me?
Blank pages in the journal of me.
Waiting to be filled with what I crave to see.

New friends and lovers.
Oceans to discover.
Disasters and broken dreams.
Silent cries and the loudest screams.

2014 – a mystery.

I can’t wait until it fills up
the empty me.