Monday, October 21, 2013

Halloween – Misunderstood Pianos and Bare Butts

Halloween’s right around the corner, which means I have a thousand costume ideas and very little time.

Two years ago I tried being “yin and yang” and ended up looking more or less like a piano.

Last year, I didn’t realize it was Halloween until the day before, and due to my Goddess fascination, and deep love of the ocean, I ended up with “Sea Goddess” (or what became referred to as “the blue girl who forgot pants”.)

I always attempt to tread the lesser-walked path of originality, and therefore drove straight past America’s pop-up Halloween Warehouses (yes they exist, everywhere…all hail consumerism).

At Michael’s (craft-store) I grabbed a ton of seashells, blue glitter, and sequins, and hoped I would have a revelation later as to their usage. Next stop TJ Maxx, where I grabbed a semi-sheer aqua blue sweater-thing with a bunch of spangles. Done, and done.

On the big day, I started drinking wine long before I started thinking of what a proper Sea Goddess should look like. Somehow, I made it through more than half a bottle before I opened the bags from the night before. Turns out the see-through sweater reached barely below my butt, which I now thought was awesome. Then I could put on my blue bikini-bottoms and be done with it. I threw on some shell-necklaces, and contemplated gluing the rest of the shells to my naked legs, but quickly decided it was a lost mission. Instead I smeared blue and green eyeshadow all over my face, glued some sequins on my forehead, and headed out the door.

This year, things shall be different. My outfit will be planned weeks ahead. Every minute detail knows its place. Intricate body painting will cover any bare limbs. Everyone will instantly know that I’m a Snake…or Medusa…or Lilith…or a reptile... Damn it…! I don’t even know…maybe Reptile Queen…people will get that, right? One thing’s for sure, I’m getting yellow contact lenses, something awesome ought to develop out of that!

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