Thursday, September 19, 2013

Sexual misfortune

Sometimes, I use fortune cookies as oracles. 

At the end of a delightful mixed veggie dish, the moment of truth appeared. 
The fortune cookie landed on the table in front of me, and I felt tingling inside. 
This time my question emerged from recurring dreams in which I hang out with old lovers, waiting for us to have sex, while nothing ever happens. (Besides me waking up thinking, ah, that's just awesome, even my dream-self ain't getting any). 

I carefully worded my question to the cookie "what will happen in my sexual life from now on?"

I could have gotten something like "you will be prosperous", "something good will happen to you tomorrow", "you will meet an old friend", or even "you have good health." But no. Oh no, this cookie knew. It got down to business, and used its magical powers to compose a striking reply. 

I cracked it open, and could feel its mocking tone from the first couple of words. 
The message written in blue (a hint towards my mental state if the cookie's words of wisdom come true?) on white read:

"Expect much of yourself and little of others."

Wow, looks like I'm in for an exciting winter. Thank you, cookie dearest, you made my day..!


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